Public Relations and Event Management - They Go Together


A question I most commonly hear during an interview process is --  

Why a public relations position over your event management background? Or vice verse.

The real question recruiters and hiring professionals should consider is, how can both skill sets (public relations and event management skills) effectively help the organization?

Now public relations is not event management and event management is not public relations. But they do work hand in hand.   

Let's talk about both shall we...  

Public relations is a strategic communications process that helps build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and its publics. Event management (which requires detailed logistics and appealing aesthetics) is one component, enhancing the public relations efforts of an organization. An event in it self is a project which requires project management skills. It can range from a virtual webinar, conference, seminar, fundraiser to a launch party or a 3-day volunteer cruise. But with both skill sets,  a creative "think-out-of-the box" mindset will help execute great events everyone will want to attend.   

With the rise of social media websites, monitoring posts and comments, public relations is an integral part to how well an event is marketed and received by the public. In this new age, the saying "all press is good press" doesn't quite work anymore. Anything on the Internet is fair game for positive and negative backlash that may impact your event and company reputation.  It's now more important for professionals in both fields to be able to engage prospective and former stakeholders; through various marketing channels to better clarify misperceptions, rectify the spread of misinformation and address any event issues (pre, during and post) at the drop of a dime. 

Public relations and event management go together and they work!