Leveraging Your Story Using the PESO Program

January is finally over. It was such a long month, that we actually started to do some spring cleaning. But the highlight this month was taking on @spinsucks 30 Day Communications  Challenge and finding this gem of local media placements in our archives.  


(circa 2000. Local Publication throwback) 

SpinSucks 30 Day Communication Challenge is designed to help communicators build or refine communication programs by integrating the PESO model and improve writing skills (hence why we bought out the World above but we will get to that).  

So what is the PESO model?  We aren't talking about currency... just yet. 

The PESO model consists of all 4 media types  - 

Paid Media

Paid Media is pretty much any media form you actually have to pay to push your communication program to larger audiences for like social media advertising, email marketing, and sponsored content. 

Earned Media

Earned Media is how publicist (like me) continue to keep their jobs and clients happy. It's the relationships we continue to build with broader media outlets (media relations) and curating creative strategies to get client coverage. This can include securing tv appearance for your client,  event or product and getting newspapers or trade publications to write an article. 

Shared Media

Shared Media is done through social networking.  It's is the result of a brand and customers or fans interacting and mutually creating content.  By now every social media channel should be on a client's and organizations' radar to strategize the use of each channel. 

Owned Media

Owned Media starts with you. The Owner. Your Website. Your Blog. Its the content you curate to keep your audiences coming back for more. 

So where does our world come into play?  Well, every company has a story. Our story started in 2000 when we implemented the PESO model. We started with earned media, reaching out to local press and publications in our target market.All of the articles here were personally earned and we garnered trust with local journalists. In 2000, social media was still growing and we weren't using the platforms as a place for shared and owned media just yet, so we relied heavily on our relationships just like we do today. The PESO model has since evolved and continues to be used amongst brands and organizations today. The 30-day @spinsucks communication challenge really helps communicators use skills they already possess to better tell their stories in an organized and analytical process. Step-by-step we were able to come up with numerous hypothetical strategies for current and potential clients and implement new tactics in our communication plans. 

Thanks @spinsucks 

Ready to start putting together your own PESO model for your brand or company? 



Spark and Consistency in 2018

Yes the Internet is overcrowed.  It was designed to be that way. A platform for freedom of speech, innovative ideas and creativity. Even with the threat of loosing net nuetrality, the Internet will still be the most desired digital space for people, brands and organizations to digitally engage. 

So how do we up the anty in 2018 creating that spark online?

Be creative and tell a captivating story. You know more about your start-up than anyone else can tell you. Now is the time to share it! Keep your storytelling simple for readers. Using complex jargon (fancy wording) will cause readers to shy away from finishing your online article if they don't understand what it is you are actually trying to do. I am sure you have given a speech before, right? Write your online content with the same zest to spark your audience. Creative.Simple and to the point.

Capture Them In The Eye.  When we say content, we aren't just talking about those simple words. Consider using infographics,  art, and even the most popular marketing tool video in your content. Your video may go viral and we love viral videos Telling your story in diverse ways can garner attention from your target audience and also reach larger markets.

Last but definitely not least is your online content consistency.  Readers need to know you are there with the next big thing, guiding them step by step with your knowledge. You are the thought leader of your brand. Keep your audience engaged as much as possible (strategically). 

Keep your spark in 2018!! 

Happy New Year!

Have you heard the various meanings of the number 8. Well there are soo many. A few meanings that resonate with us are -

  • The number 8  means harmony, peace and balance 

  • 8 symbolizes making decisions that are beneficial to life

  • 8 represents Infinity and everything good in the universe which is infinite, such as infinite love, infinite supply, infinite energy, infinite time

(We really like the last one) 

In 2018 we are looking forward to the following 3 things and you should to wherever you are in your journey: 

New Beginnings 

Start and Finish something this year. Sometimes we get so busy with life, that we forget that one goal we wanted to finish. It just happened to slip through the cracks. Well, it's Jan 1st. Let's write it down in permanent ink and make sure we finish it before the end of the year. Time for new beginnings is now. Let's do this! 

New Experiences 

Take a dance class, improve on that one cooking dish you can show off at your next event function, or fly plan. Just enjoy a new experience. Try it!

New Perspectives 

The internet is filled with new perspectives from professionals every day. Make this year, a year of learning something new, to help better your professional development and education.

Let's make 2018 the best New Year we will ever experience with endless opportunities.